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Yan’an Jujube

en.yanan.gov.cn Updated: 2024-03-06 15:47

Yanan jujube has long enjoyed a good reputation, particularly the jujube in Yanchuan County. Yanchuan Countyis next to the Yellow Riverin the east, is a temperate semi-arid area, with dry climate and less rain, as well as large temperature difference between day and night,and long sunshine time, affected by the special geographical factors of the Yellow River, thus is the ideal area for growing jujube. So far, there has been a planting historyof more than 300 years. The various varieties of jujubesproduced in this county are large in size and have thick fleshand sweet taste, being theexcellent and high-quality dry and fresh fruits. The crispyjujube here, also known as Diaoyajujube, islargein size,and hasthin redpericarp, white fine and crispy flesh, taste as sweet as honey, thus itis an especially good raw food, particularly for women and children. In 1982, Kim Il Sung, Chairman of the Workers' Party of North Korea, visited Xian, tasted the jujube and praised the taste generously, and immediately introduced 300 high-quality jujube seedlings from the county to North Korea. At present, the county, known as jujube town,has a total area of 8,000 hectares of jujube orchards, with a total yield of more than 2,000 tons.The “Baota” jujubepaste, candiedjujube,drunkjujube and other products have won many awards, and have become the flavored food deeply favored by tourists from other places.